Studying history has always involved written documents, the longer ago the more difficult the job since language, grammar, spelling and so on have evolved with time. Only since the arrival of photography in the 19th century have we been able to see precisely what people and places really looked like long ago. But being able to hear their voices too adds an entirely different dimension to our understanding of them and for that we can only go back to the last century or so.

Oral history brings people and their memories to life as nothing else can. Long after they are gone, we can still hear them talking, remembering, describing events that were real to them but are no more than records to us. In this archive you will hear the voices of people from many backgrounds who lived in the Leatherhead district when it was very different from today. Each clip is also accompanied by a written transcript to enrich your understanding.

But history is infinite and the recording of voices is an ongoing requirement as each generation grows older. As we build this archive, some of those heard  will still be very much alive, since our programme of interviews continues today with those recalling a more recent past. We invite you to give us your own interesting story of the Leatherhead district you remember from past years. If you or someone you know has a tale to tell, do please get in touch to arrange an interview.

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Fuller, DavidDAVID FULLER (1948-) David Fuller ran an exclusive men’s outfitter shop in Church Road, Great Bookham for more than 52 years, beginning as a school-leaver joining his father’s business and …
Walker, AnneELIZABETH ANNE WALKER (1929 – ) Daughter of an instructor at the former Royal School for the Blind, Anne Walker has spent her entire life in the Leatherhead district. She …
Wallace, Hazel VincentHazel Vincent Wallace (1919 – 2019) Hazel Vincent Wallace became a stage artist at the end of World War 2 and helped found the Under Thirty Theatre Group in London …
Canning, Hilda MollieHilda Mollie Canning (1920 – 2020) Mollie Canning is the eldest interviewee in the series. She first came to work and live in Leatherhead during World War 2 and later …
Sayers, KateALEXANDRA KATE SAYERS (1902-1990) Kate Sayers was the daughter of Charles Brewer, a mainstay of the Leatherhead Brass Band in the early years of the 20th century. Born locally she …
Allan, Constance  CONSTANCE ALLAN (1911- 1997) Constance Allan was part of the family that ran The Woodman pub in Ashtead from 1912 until the mid 1950s and several other pubs across …
Mizen, Edward & IdaEDWARD OAKLEY MIZEN (1894-1985) & IDA MARY MIZEN (1904-1997) Edward Mizen’s family farmed large areas of land in Mitcham and Cobham as well as Fetcham and Leatherhead from the 19th …
Cree, MaryMRS MARY CREE (1921-) Mrs Mary Cree was born 96 years ago in the same family home she still occupies today. Built around 1730, it was bought in 1898 by her …
Martin, KateKATHLEEN MEGAN MARTIN (1934- ) Kate Martin and her husband John have lived in Bookham for nearly half a century and she was also born and brought up in Dorking. …
Rice-Oxley, FrankFRANK RICE-OXLEY (1928-   )  Frank Rice-Oxley was married to local historian Mary Rice-Oxley, a founder of the Leatherhead & District Local History Society. He succeeded his father as chairman of …
Hooker, Bernard  BERNARD STUART HOOKER (1897-1983)  Bernard Hooker, president of the Leatherhead Operatic Society, was the son in law of the founder in 1906 and his father, Cornelius Hooker, was its …
Anderson, Arthur & IvyArthur Sidney (1898-1988 ) & Ivy Maud Anderson (1898-1998) Ivy Weller was born in Leatherhead, the daughter of a rose nurseryman who had successive small businesses there and in Ashtead. …
Hylands, TedEDWARD HAROLD HYLANDS (1926-)  Ted Hylands is still a working gardener at the age of 91. He has lived in his Fetcham house since it was built by his father-in-law …
Tims, Ed & Moira  ALRIC EDRED TIMS (1927 –  2022) & MOIRA TIMS (1926 – 2019) Ed and Moira Tims have lived in Fetcham since 1955 but Ed’s family lived in the area for …
Anderson, MichaelMICHAEL ALEXANDER JOHN ANDERSON (1930 – )  Michael Anderson is a familiar face in Leatherhead district where he has held prominent positions in the Bookham Residents Association and other local bodies. …
Keswick, Helen Kathleen  MISS HELEN KATHLEEN KESWICK (1903-1997) Kathleen Keswick was the youngest daughter of William Keswick, MP and Lord of the Manor of Great Bookham. She was brought up at Eastwick Park …
Dench, GeorgeGEORGE DENCH (1905 – 2001) George Dench is believed to have been the longest serving chorister in any English parish church choir with no less than 87 years of service. …
Campbell, GinaGINA CAMPBELL (1946 – ) Georgina Campbell, only child of Donald Campbell, was born 16 September 1946. Three years after this interview she took up power boat racing and won the …
Browning, Maurice & LilyMAURICE HENRY BROWNING (1906-1993) & LILY FAWNIA BROWNING (1903-1995) Maurice and Lily Browning were living in Leatherhead during the Blitz of World War Two. They described what happened. Interview date: 22 August …
Pearce, Eileen & Brown, HazelEILEEN PEARCE (1944 – ) & HAZEL BROWN (1931 – )                 Mrs Eileen Pearce and her sister Mrs Hazel Brown were both …
Marshall, ‘Smiler’ALBERT ‘SMILER’ MARSHALL (103) (1897-2005) Albert ‘Smiler’ Marshall was Britain’s last surviving cavalryman from World War One. He volunteered for the army under age and survived service in the trenches …
Green, ElsieELSIE GREEN, MBE (1904-1997) Elsie Green, MBE was Director of the Polesden Lacey Open Air Theatre for 36 years. She was also drama therapist at Horton Hospital, Epsom, and an …